Friday, July 29, 2011


Friday night October 3, 2008, I had the privilege of standing in the dark and listening to stories of Big Foot Sightings in South East Oklahoma and other areas.  I heard statements made like, “It is a proven fact that Human Beings have survived for long periods of time in the wild.”  “One man actually evaded detection of Infra Red cameras and heat sensors from Helicopter search teams for several months.”  “Imagine how long something could go without being found if it was accustomed to life in the wild.”

Then there were questions like.  “We can’t just kill them can we?”  “If we try to put them on a reservation, won’t they just walk off?”  If they prove to be more Human than animal do they have Rights.”   “Are they Americans??”

Myself, being seven generations from the medicine man of Dancing Rabbit Creek felt obligated to tell a story told to me by my Grandfather.  I, like he must say, “I don’t know if it’s true, but this is the way it was told to me, and I believe there is a truth in it.”

In case you weren’t there, I’ve decided to write it down.  If the story isn’t true, at least it may be entertaining, but if you have the eyes to see the truth, then the statements made by people at the fire could have answers to some questions asked.

This is the Story:
       Long time ago, the people of this island lived by the one great law of the universe. “The Spirit of that which is most like itself is drawn.”  Then, a spirit came out of the sea, in the form of a man, and claimed this island for his King.  He began to plunder villages and towns taking anything he wanted as if he had been chosen by God to rule the world.  In a small village in Mississippi, the conquering spirit met its own reflection, a spirit that refused to be conquered.  The conquering spirit was called De Soto,” The free Spirit was called “Tuskalusa Nutakshish Chito.”  (Big warrior with black jaw hair) He stood head and shoulder above everyone else. As De Soto rode into the village wearing his full metal jacket, holding his bashpo fylia (long knife) in his hand.  He was greeted by TuskaLusa. (Tuskaloosa)  De Soto was made to feel welcome and comfortable by the offering of fresh deer meat.

     Tuska Lusa told him he would give him two hundred women for his pleasure, and one hundred men to carry his stuff if he would spare this village and go with him to the next village.

     Six days walking, they came to Mabila, a large village with walls of pine logs standing upright in the ground.  All the fields were bare of any crops or grass because it was the time of the GreenCorn Ceremony.

     As they entered the village, Tuska Lusa raised his hand and shouted “The sacrifice.”  He grabbed the horse’s head and twisted him to the ground, took De Sotos sword and stabbed him with it, like a winning captain in a stick ball game claiming his trophy.

     De Sotos’ men fought hard, but the free people pushed them back into the woods.  De Soto survived the battle but lost the war.  Several weeks later he died of fever from his wounds plagued by the sight of the dark hairy face of Tuska Lusa running free through the woods.

     Long after De Sotos’ death and his men had gone back into the sea, Tuska Lusa stood on the temple mound and told his people if they learned to fight like rabbits instead of Rams, their free spirit could never be conquered.

     To this day when a conquering Spirit moves into a village taking anything it wants, that Hairy Warrior will be seen---running free through the woods.  A reminder that a free Spirit cannot be conquered.

This is the story the way it was told to me.  I’ve tried to tell it orally, but find it’s usually affected by the environment in which I’m telling it.  You can do your own search on line and find there is some Historical data that lends credence to the truth in the story.

Whether Big Foot is a physical primate or an apparition of the spirit of freedom that refuses to be conquered is yet to be seen.  Meanwhile you hear of sightings all over the world where Freedom is being threatened. (Check it out!)

Yes, the Spirit of Freedom can evade detection.  Yes, the Spirit of Freedom can survive indefinitely in the life it is accustomed to.  No, it won’t stay on a reservation.  Yes, it does have Rights, and yes “IT IS AMERICAN.”

                                                                                                Darryl Williams
                                                                                                Chata Sia Hoke

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